Boat crossing
Europe - South America link:
There are several possibilities for sending your motorhome to South America. The ideal solution is to 'rent' a container for transport, place your vehicle in it, close the container, put the seals on and you're done a bit like a letter in the post office. This solution is for those who own a 4*4 or van type vehicle whose dimensions correspond to those of the containers. Ourcamping carnot falling into this category of vehicles, we have to look for a boat willing to take it.
There are then two ways to proceed:
- answer 1: Choose a boat that supports the vehicle to Montevideo. We then have to leave by plane a few days before the expected date of arrival of the boat to receive the vehicle.
-answer 2: Choose a boat Ro-Ro' (Roll-on/Roll-Off … a bit like a Ferry) from Europe to South America . The boat which mainly carries freight then has cabins for a certain number of passengers and one accompanies his vehicle during the crossing which extends over approximately 28 days.
Solution 1 imposes to bring the vehicle to the port of departure of Antwerp and to return to his place of residence (road costs, toll, train for the return). Then you have to respect a date of reservation of flight by plane to go to Montevideo. This date does not always coincide with the arrival date of the boat which may be du late. This is when additional costs are added (hotel, taxis, bus, meals) not to mention the stress. And finally, unless you have a perfect command of Spanish, you have to call on a freight forwarder for customs clearance formalities and payment of port taxes in order to recover the vehicle at the port.
Although solution 2 represents an additional cost because each passenger pays for their place on the boat, this solution appears to be 'the best' in the end because it is easier to get out of their vehicle. You put the motorhome in the boat on departure and take it out on arrival exactly as if you were taking a ferry.
Moreover, this solution is la more reassuring (a priori... because the risk '0' does not exist). Indeed, following a last-minute change in the route schedule, the boat may have to make stopovers in certain African ports such as Casablanca, Dakar, Freetown... the presence on board makes it possible to monitor the flow and to ensure that 'visits' are not made in our vehicles at stopovers.
We want to cross the ocean, we have time to enjoy the trip, so our choice was definitely for the Grimaldi company, the only company to serve RoRo for South America (Montevideo) from Europe.
Due to the limited number of cabins at 6, it is necessary to reserve the date well in advance with the freight forwarder:
Date of preservation: January 2017 for a departure around June 2018
Booking date: November 2017
Departure date: June 18, 2018.
CCC Catalina Cargo Consulting
Freighter Travel Consultant
34, rue Mouffetard - 75005 Paris (by appointment)
Telephone - Answering machine: 01 45 35 49 88
E-mail :Catalina da Silva
follow the boathere
South America - Europe link:
To bring your vehicle back from South America to Europe, especially when you are in Colombia, there is the possibility of going down to Montevideo (Uruguay) and picking up a cargo from the company.Grimaldifor the motorhome, do the reverse circuit as described above or leave your vehicle in Grimaldi, return by plane and wait quietly for the vehicle to arrive in Antwerp to pick it up.
It is the least expensive solution in terms of maritime transport for a return 'South America via Europe'.
The problem is that the vehicle is at this stage of the journey in Colombia and to reach Montevideo, it requires a 'return' trip of at least 7500 km.
Indeed, there are very few freight shipping companies that provide a link between Colombia and Europe.
Thanks to the information provided byEmmanuel Glémin
Shipping Company HOEGH - AUTOLINERS
Enlace Caribe (Cartagena – Le Havre freight forwarder)
Director: Mr Ernesto de la Rota
File processing: Ms. Carolina Rivera Romero
Address: Manga Av 4ª, Calle 29 No. 25 - 69, Interior 4
Tel: 6609495-6608960
Cartagena - Colombia
Contact emails:
Europe - North America link:
To send your motorhome from Europe to North America, there is the Seabridge company which provides the Le Havre - Halifax or Le Havre - Baltimore connection.
Two possibilities are possible:
- The vehicle is deposited in the port area and it is joined by plane ten days later.
- We accompany our vehicle in RoRo.
Wilhelm Heinrich Weg 13
40231 Dusseldorf
Phone: +49-(0)211-210 8083
Fax: +49-(0)211-210 8097
Contact: seabridge@t-online.de

Vehicle insurance:
The green card lists the countries for which car insurance is valid, which is not the case for South America. On the other hand, the freight transport of the vehicle is not covered by our insurance (MACIF) because the arrival is located outside the green card zone.
We closed our 'motorhome' contract with MACIF to move toCabinet Marie:
General Insurance Agent of the Allianz group
Gilbert Marie - 2 Rue du Docteur Béthoux - 38350 LA MURE
Contact: Fanny Hostache.
This insurance covers the following guarantees:
- worldwide insurance valid for 3 months regardless of the country. the 90 days do not begin until the moment of entry into the territory of South America and disembarkation of the motorhome),
- vehicle shipping coverage
- assistance to people during this 90-day period
(For the return from Colombia, see MACIF for coverage from the boat. Mrs. Aubert Morgane, hierarchy Mrs. Lamoulière Sandrine. prod.pm@macif.fr 0969394950)
Upon our arrival in Montevideo we will take out third party insurance with:
WAVE LOGISTICS - MERCOSUR- Olivier Chatenneau | President & CEO
Tel: + 598- 2916 80 75 | Mob: + 598-97 09 69 2
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d __cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58dolivier@wave-logistics. com| Skype olivier.mlluy
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d __cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58dhttp://wave-logistics.com/fr/
This insurance covers Mercosur (Common Market Alliance of the South - It is made up of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Venezuela and Bolivia). For other countries, SOAT insurance will also be taken out at the third party at the first city of entry into the country or at customs.
Wave Logistics is slightly more expensive than other Mercosur insurers but has the advantage of being French and this can be useful in the event of a claim.

Personal insurance:
This is the guarantee of the "comprehensive home - civil liability" contract of our insurerMACIFWho's playing.

Guarding ofKokopelli:
Argentina: (TIP (Temporary Import Permit extended to 8 months to be requested from customs)
Mr.Christian Torlasco- Andean Roads Motorhome Rentals SRL - 011 15 5767 6499/+5491157676499
Marie-Claude Corduan
Uruguay: (TIP (Temporary Import Permit 12 months for this country)
To consult 'Official info given by the French Embassy (dated 8 Dec 2017)'
Silvia Koller & Heinz Stüssi -Paraiso Suizo
Ruta Interbalnearia km 77.5 - Jaureguiberry, Canelones
Tel/Fax: 00598 4378 9064 / 7163 -info@paraisosuizo.com
Mr Dirk -Uruguay Long Term Parking-info@uy-storage.com
Timo Tel./WhatsApp:+598 94 824 300
Felix Tel./WhatsApp:+598 93 945 414
Coordinates: 34°38'25.54S 55°34'13.32W
Decimal degree: -34.640428 -55.570367

The advantage of a 'top-of-the-range' Visa Premier style card used to pay the reservation deposit for the cargo allows cancellation (under conditions) or even postponement if necessary.
For the trip, it is essential to be in possession of bank cards issued by banking organizations that limit the costs of withdrawals and payment costs outside the euro zone.
Compare between: BNPParibas and Boursorama - B for bank - HelloBank - HSBC - N26 - Monabank - C-zam
We will leave with 3 BNPParibas bank cards. Why BNP Paribas? We are customers on the one hand and
withdrawals are free in the networks of partner distributors thanks toGlobal Allianceand to BNP Paribas Global Network.
Partner banks: Scotiabank (certain cities in Chile, Peru, Mexico, Canada) - Bank of America (United States)
- Visa Classic : BNPParibas
- Visa Premier: BNP Paribas
- MasterCard : BNPParibas. loss or theft of the main Visa card. The Cirrus card is offered by subscribing to a Visa Premier card.
In addition, in order to limit withdrawal costs in areas outside the Euros, we will also take a MasterCard from one of the 'internet' banks.
C-zam / Carrefour card is an international MasterCard payment card that allows you to benefit from commission-free payments abroad.
N26 Mastercard
Useful readings:
Banking management: Nothing could be simpler, we will continue to manage our accounts via the internet like at home but with a wise precaution, when we benefit from the internet, equipped with the router, we will establish a private and encrypted network in the vehicle.

In the event of urgent and unforeseen medical care abroad, advance the funds, keep the treatment sheets and send them to the Caisse d'Assurance Maladie/Mutuelle upon return.
We are MACIF members and maintain our contracts (housing / automobile) during our trip. We therefore benefit from IMA coverage. (inter mutual assistance) included in our contract.
IMA (like Social Security coverage) works for stays abroad up to one year.
Main guarantees: support for assistance, repatriation and medical expenses "after CPAM and Mutuelle.
For "urgent" events (appendicitis, accident, etc.) They take charge directly (we must call them beforehand so that they can advise us, direct us to a partner establishment, etc.) and they are the ones who approach the CPAM.
Finally, they have a telephone medical assistance service that you can call if you have any doubts, do not forget your member's number before leaving on a trip.
IMA call number +33 5 49 757575
Search Doctor/Hospital (South America):here

Health / Hygiene:
Boat crossing: the yellow fever vaccine is mandatory and is recommended for South America.
Complementary vaccines.
We will not make a rabies vaccine. The 'doggies', we will avoid sympathizing with them...
Basic pharmacy:
- First aid: compresses, conventional dressings, bandages, plasters, tulle gras, disinfectant (biseptine), biafine
- Medicines: analgesic (doliprane), antidiarrheal (smecta and arrestal), broad-spectrum antibiotic (amoxicillin), antibiotic eye drops, antispasmodic (spasfon), antistamine.
- External care: mosquito repellents, ear protection, sunscreen, lipstick, aspivenins
- Tank water treatment: micro-pur FORTE (water treatment)
- Medicines 'taken daily': Provide a prescription equivalent to the duration of the trip and agree with the pharmacy for the delivery of the treatment.
Motorhome toilet treatment: (Yes, you have to think about it too!)
- Bordeaux mixture: 1/2 case for 10 liters
- We will take some packages knowing that we will have to look for some once there.
Spanish translation: bordelés caldo
Learn more about the maintenance of the K7 toilet:here

- Passports: valid 6 months after the scheduled return date
- International license: some countries require that the French driving license be accompanied by an international driving license.
- Is it free and delivered in all the Prefectures of France? Free, for the moment yes but since September 2017, the request must be sent to Nantes without guarantee of knowing if the file has arrived, if the file has been processed and if it will be sent to the home before the date of departure. Delivery times continue to increase.
- Vehicle registration document
- Identity card
- Visas: No visa required for the trip except for the USA. American law limits to one year the temporary importation of a vehicle on North American soil (United States, Canada and Mexico) and the B2 visa to be requested from the United States Embassy only issues a 6 month permit.
WikiOverland: Encyclopedia of formalities by country
Document retention: the storage of administrative documents is put on a USB key and in copy on the Cloud. Bring several laminated prints for presentation at police checks. The presentation of the original passport is only reserved for customs clearance.
Useful information:
Ariadne: site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on which, once registered, allows us to receive security recommendations by email if the situation in the country justifies it, to be contacted in the event of a crisis in the country of destination, to warn the contact person appointed when needed.
Embassies and consulates abroad: Directory of French representations abroad

Communication / Multimedia:
contacts: In order to stay in touch with family and friends, there are several tools which by having Wifi make it possible to ensure contact: Skype, whatsapp, messenger, viber.
To reach our parents and people who do not have internet, skype or Ringa.
In addition, we will keep our mobile phone subscription in France to continue to receive text messages. A precaution to do when you arrive there, think about deactivating the data on the mobile network in order to avoid updates of the telephone applications.
The advantage of keeping a French mobile phone is to be able to be called in an emergency from France, to receive sms and sms alerts issued by the bank before validating an operation.
To capture WiFi, we have equipped ourselves with arouterfrom homeWifiHighpower, The Alfa Network R36 3G WiFi extender. This router will be connected to a WiFi antenna, theAwus036H.
It is the ideal USB WiFi card for mobile use. Sensitive and versatile, it will be perfect when the signal is of poor quality, in the presence of obstacles and difficult connections.
Embedded computing:
- a pc for updating the site, 2 tablets, 1 reader as well as three hard drives:
_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ - pour sauvegarde videos and photos taken,
_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ - bibliothèque de movies and music for bad weather days,
_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ - outils informatiques : system restore disk in the event of a PC crash, office pack, Ciel-personal account management. geographical maps,
- USB keys for data exchanges with people met
- backup SD cards
For the photos we start with:
- 1 Canon 'reflex' camera equipped with a Canon EF S 17 – 85 mm f 4.0 – 5.6 IS lens USM
- 1 DX 10 MIII 'bridge' box
- 1 tripod

Road maps - GPS :
We will leave with a certain number of maps and tourist guides having served in the preparation of the trip.
In addition to the paper supports, we have an updated Garmin GPS with maps of the Americas.
Download maps:
_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ - Link1:here
_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ - Link2:here
_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ - Link3:here
_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ - Link4: apparently the most reliable....here
On tablets, we downloaded 2 applications:
- OSmand+: (OSM Automated Navigation Directions) is a cartographic and navigation application with access to OpenStreetMap (OSM) free data.
- Maps.me: Free offline maps, quick access and free for travelers around the world. Offline maps, no internet connection required.
- Ioverlander: a database of locations for overlanders and travellers. It includes campsites, hotels, restaurants, garages, bivouac points, service stations and other points of interest.
And then where we will be lost, let's remember two essential phrases 'Por favor donde está el camino para...' or 'Please where is the road for...'

Budget :
It's hard to say in advance....'the trip as a whole is going to cost this much'...
Many factors will influence the overall cost of the trip.
There are several budgets to consider for this trip:
- Buying the motorhome, that's the first point...
- "Preparation & equipment" budget: this concerns the costs of fitting out the vehicle and accessories purchased such as additional spare wheels, engine protection, jerry can holders, etc.
- Budget for boat crossings: I'm not just talking about the 'Europe <-> America' links, but the maritime links within certain countries to go from point A to point B.
- Airline budget round trips to France during travel interruptions.
- "Breakdown" budget: this is a budget that must be taken into account to allocate a certain reserve. The circuit is not limited to a few tens of kilometers and interventions on the motorhome will be expected. (maintenance, emptying, punctures, breakdowns, even breakage sometimes...)
- Budget "visits": foreigners pay more for admission to certain natural parks or museums.
- "Daily" budget: The most important sum of the daily budget will be fuel, which is also more expensive for 'tourists' in certain countries such as Bolivia. Traveling by motorhome, the expenses for water, electricity, WiFi will represent 'superfluous' costs because they are more easily manageable.