The purpose of our trip is not simply to travel thousands of kilometers but to discover distant landscapes, different fauna and flora from here. In addition to this enrichment of the eyes, we want this trip to bring an encounter with people, to discover their way of life, their cultures and traditions.
The '3 Americas' project is to leave from Montevideo (Uruguay), make a detour via Brazil before connectingUshuaia, a city considered to be the southernmost in the world located in Tierra del Fuego atAnchoragein Alaska.
For family reasons,administrativeand respecting theseasons, we will spread this trip over 3 periods by returning to France.
Convinced that we will not see everything, the 'outline' of the circuit nevertheless gives an overview of the journey.
The circuit will evolve according to our desires and curiosities and encounters of the moment.
However, it was necessary to make a selection of sites 'not to be missed'. To build our itinerary, we were inspired by family circuits having previously crisscrossed these roads and tracks in motorhomes. (Learn more....here)
Why this blog?
We could have contented ourselves with making a page on the 'Facebook' network and placing posts there as our journey progressed.
We preferred to set up a blog.....'why make it simple when you can complicate it' you might say....
The idea is that at the end of our adventure, it will be possible for us to export all the text and photo content of the '3 Americas' blog, to adapt the layout and to then be able to edit what will be our souvenir album of the trip.
After having made a first photo site on travels (mouse riding trips) the creation of this blog will serve as a 'logbook' to relate our journey over the stages, also allow our family and friends to follow us as any visitor to these pages.
How to follow us? It's simple, just subscribe to the newsletter by clicking 'here'
In the end, this blog can be used as a 'support' in the preparation of long-term travel for future travelers.